Lazy Week, Busy Weekend

It was such a yucky week here last week that we barely left the house. We stayed in pajamas as much as possible and stayed inside out of the rain. Everyone was a little stir crazy by the end of the week so we had to make up for lost time over the weekend with a packed schedule of activities. First was the pumpkin patch, then home to watch the UT game. It was also free Bank of America weekend at the Children's museum, so of course we couldn't pass that up on Sunday afternoon. The girls had so much fun doing everything and got worn out!

3 feet tall... with a bow

Little munchkin

Walking through the mini corn maze

Pig races...

Wagon ride

Picking out our pumpkins...

Hayride back to the farm

Savannah loves to do "the point" now. It's so cute- she just points at everyone and looks for a reaction. She was doing it to all the people sitting by us on the hay ride. And it never gets old...she will put her little hand down for one second and then point at you again like it is the first time all over again.

Sky thinks she'll try a bite...

Watching the game with Daddy. Thanks Mimi for our new UT outfits!

Children's Museum...

Savannah loved the little crawling corner and wanted to crawl and climb on everything.

"Makin, makin"... a big block of cheese

Savannah played so hard that she fell asleep in the car twice over the weekend!


MJH said...

I would like to pick those 2 adorable girls out of the big pumpkin patch and bring them home! Awesome pictures!! Go Vols!

Deena said...

The girls are darling & are growing up SO fast. Would love to see you guys!