Lovin the weekend

We had an awesome weekend hanging out, going to the pool, and doing nothing. The weather was perfect and we didn't have any projects going on and were very lazy (or as lazy as you can be with a 1 yr. old).

This is my normal face...o wait, I see the camera now....
let me cheese as big as I possibly can!

Skylar loves the Jeep! She squeals and babbles the whole time.

First visit with Benjamin

I got to go to Nahville over the weekend and visit my new nephew Benjamin for the first time. He is the most cuddly sweetest newborn! He is a big boy but I had forgotten how tiny they are at this age. He loves to sleep especially on someones shoulder or lap and doesn't make too much of a fuss about anything. Jenny and Ryan are doing great and are probably the most confident/relaxed new parents I have ever seen. Tyler kept Skylar at home all weekend while I was gone and they had some good daddy daughter bonding time. It was the longest I had ever left Skylar and I was definitely ready to see her when I got home. It is amazing though how refreshing it is to only have to take care of yourself for a change.

Smiley face

Ben had his newborn photos taken while I was there and I got to snap one of these after the photographer. He was such a good sport and didn't cry during the whole hour and a half session. Big stretch

Look at those sleep marks!

First bath

Ryan had a project going on since we were there to help Jenny. He got a shipping container and is making it in to a pottery studio for Jenny. It is actually really cool and he is going to put windows, doors, sink, toilet, and cedar shingle the outside. He had to rent a Ditch Witch and dig a 2 ft. trench to the container for the plumbing and electric. Only Ryan would attempt this solo, but he made it.

Fourth of July Weekend

We had a great visit with Ty's family over the 4th! The weather was perfect for playing outside, going to the pool, and cooking out. We made our first trip to the childrens museum in Richmond and it was awesome. There were tons of fun exhibits and a whole area just for ages 3 and under that the girls enjoyed.

Digging with Daddy

Happy little driver

Minde and Caroline making a picture

Caroline and James fishing

Playing in the bank. Skylar was all about the Benjamins.

Playing with Mimi

Playing with my cuz

Hitting some balls after all the golfers were done for the day


We took Skylar on her first real picnic last week. It was a beautiful night and we went to the park in our neighborhood and found a good spot along the water to eat. Skylar had fun looking at everything but mostly just wanted to get in to all of our food especially the Doritos bag.

I'm happy to just play with my plastic bag

Tyler threw the rest of his sandwich in to the woods and this squirrel picked it up. Its hard to see but he is in the middle of the picture and it was so funny- he picked up the whole thing and started chowing down and then another squirrel came and started chasing him and fighting him for it. Quite entertaining.

When we got home that night we saw these two hawks sitting on the swing set. They hang around all the time now and just perch up there. We have lots of bunnies and squirrels around the house that we think they are probably after.