
We took Skylar on her first real picnic last week. It was a beautiful night and we went to the park in our neighborhood and found a good spot along the water to eat. Skylar had fun looking at everything but mostly just wanted to get in to all of our food especially the Doritos bag.

I'm happy to just play with my plastic bag

Tyler threw the rest of his sandwich in to the woods and this squirrel picked it up. Its hard to see but he is in the middle of the picture and it was so funny- he picked up the whole thing and started chowing down and then another squirrel came and started chasing him and fighting him for it. Quite entertaining.

When we got home that night we saw these two hawks sitting on the swing set. They hang around all the time now and just perch up there. We have lots of bunnies and squirrels around the house that we think they are probably after.

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