Nursery....In Progress

My mom came in town for her Spring Break and helped us get the nursery in order. We added one more coat of paint, assembled the crib, rocker, and futon, and washed lots of baby clothes. We were very excited to get a working crib this time after our bad luck with the last one -and it is really cute. Since we are "losing" a guest room we thought it would be nice to have an extra sleeping area in the nursery for when we have lots of company. We got a futon on 75% clearance at Target and I think it will work just fine.
We don't have anything on the walls yet and the dining room still has some baby things in it that need to be put away, but we are making progress.

After a hard night's work on the nursery Tyler decided to try the futon out. My mom and I were still sorting clothes and deciding where to put things and Tyler passed out for a good 30 minute nap. I guess it is comfy enough!


Lara said...

LOVE the nursery! It is so cute...i'm about to respond to your email with all the questions. I love talking baby talk.

Katie Land said...

I love your blog!!! It is very cute. Nowe we can all keep up with Skylarcallianemarleykate meece!!

JHogue said...

The bedding and nursery is so cute and so are you! Congrats again and can't wait to see pics of your daughter!