Beach Bound

Despite Tropical Storm Hanna, we are headed to the Outer Banks tomorrow for a week! It looks like it is going to rain almost everyday which is a bummer cause we have been planning this trip for 6 months, but at least Tyler will be off of work and we will get to see family. I have been packing all week and can not believe how much stuff we have to take. This shot is just some of the things we are taking a doesn't include anything that Skylar still needs until tomorrow....bouncy seat, bath tub, bottles.... It is her first night away from home so hopefully we remember everything.


Lara said...

wow, everything looks so organized and folded. that's not the becca i knew in high school or college. hope yall have fun!

Rebecca Meece said...

i know, crazy huh? i guess it was bound to happen one day:)