It's a girl!

I just realized that we hadn't made an official blog announcement yet.....we are having another baby girl! She was curled up super tight and didn't want to cooperate so the ultrasound tech didn't get a great look, but was pretty sure she saw a girl. She also couldn't get some of the measurements she was supposed to so we get to have another ultrasound on the 14th and will hopefully get to know it is a girl for sure. We are really excited about another girl and most importantly that everything they could see so far looked healthy and perfect. We are liking Savannah as a name and are going to see how it feels after calling her that for a few weeks. I tried to scan the ultrasound pics but they didn't turn out great. I will see if Ty can do a better job and maybe put some up. We got a great tiny feet shot...can't wait to see what she looks like!


Unknown said...

Congrats Ty, Becca, & Skylar! So happy to hear the news. When are you due?

Rebecca Meece said...

Thanks! Due Dec. 6th, but with c-section it will be between Nov. 22- Dec. most likely a Thanksgiving baby.

Unknown said...

Oooh...December 3rd is a REALLY good day! (Not just because it's my birthday or anything...just sayin' is all!!) Glad to hear that everything is going well!!