Getting sentimental...

So, I am starting to get really sentimental about our time with Skylar before she becomes a big sister. I am loving spending some good quality time with her and trying to let her thoroughly enjoy being an only child for a little bit longer. She is pretty much used to having my undivided attention 24 hours a day so I am hoping she does well with the transition.
We have been cooking at home more lately and enjoying relaxing family time at night. She loves for us to get on the floor and play with her at her level. I try to imagine if my typical line of sight was only about 6 inches off the ground crawling around- I would want someone down there with me too!
We are trying to get the nursery and things ready...but haven't made it very far yet. I feel like she is already a huge part of the family though and I can't wait to meet her. I am going to enjoy every last minute of free time I have between now and then since I know free time will be hard to come by soon. Every night when I go to bed I am a few months I could have a screaming baby right now! Skylar has been waking up crying at night for a few months now, so between that and just poor pregnancy sleeping I am actually pretty prepared for being up every few hours.
Here are some pictures of Skylar lately...


The Richardsons said...

Skylar is going to LOVE being a big sis! She was so good with Ben, so I'm sure having a permanent playmate is going to be great for her :)I can't believe how fast Savannah is going to be here- insane! I can't wait!

MJH said...

Such sweet pictures of Skylar. I know she will find lots of joy in the new baby and you will do GREAT! We are so excited. Skylar is really growing up. Love the UT shots!