Baby Shower

Minde and James hosted a baby shower for new baby Meece over the weekend. They did a fabulous job and had the most amazing food and decorations! I got sidetracked the second I got there and never got any pictures of the spread, but here is a description to make your mouth water: stuffed mushrooms, chicken fingers, chips and spinach dip, shrimp and pineapple skewers, fruit skewers with creamy dip, bite sized iced strawberry cakes, cookies with cute baby words on them, apple cider....and if that wasn't enough there were white chocolate covered oreo sticks to take home. Yum! They were so generous to have everyone over and it was great to see lots of family we hadn't seen in a while. There were lots of babies and toddlers to keep everyone entertained.
Baby Meece got some wonderful gifts and of course has a ton of cute outfits to wear already. Skylar did pretty well for having such a crazy weekend and traveling and being off her routine and is back to normal now. We are praying new baby is a car sleeper to make our trips to Knoxville a little easier:)

Thanks Aunt Katie for my cute new dress

Skylar and Benjamin

Gigi holding a very sleepy Ben

Uncle Jack and Sky

Ryan, Jenny, and Ben

Sky and Daddy

Caroline and Skylar with their UT tickets after the game

Riley and the girls

How cute is this little guy?!

Katie and Skylar

Lori and Sky

Skylar and Caroline

Reading her book from Great Grandma Meece

Sandy and Sky...getting towards the end of the night and she was exhausted

Caroline sitting in Tyler's old Cookie Monster chair

Rod and Skylar

Party winding down with a little Max and Ruby for the girls


MJH said...

Oh my gosh! I love all of these pictures! I didn't even know you took those on the front porch. They are so cute. Skylar looks so pretty in that dress. We enjoyed all of the chaos and wish we could do it again this weekend! Can't wait to meet the next "niece Meece!"

Lara said...

Love Skylar's outfit! What a fun shower! Hated to miss it, especially when I was SO close!!! Hope you are feeling good still. I'm starting to feel the lung pressure and the not being able to put on my socks. I feel like it's too early for that!!!