
Here are some pictures of the girls lately and some pictures from my spur of the moment trip to Nashville over the weekend...

Cozy in PJs

Thanks Lauren for the cute matching outfits!

In action...tickle for the camera shot

I got to go to Nashville over the weekend thanks to Jenny and a free standby pass. I loved getting to see Benjamin and all the new things he is doing. I got to hang out with family and meet up with a few friends too- it was a great (but exhausting) weekend. Savannah got to come along for the ride too to meet everyone. I have learned that traveling with a baby is just hard even with a usually easy baby. She did not love being out of her element and fought going to sleep big time. She did OK on the plane on the way there, but on the way home she was over it after a fun weekend of being constantly entertained and not sleeping much. Luckily the people around us were pretty nice and we got no evil looks while she was fussy.

Savannah got to see her first dogs this weekend. Sadie and Parker- she just kept watching them and trying to figure them out.

Benjamin....I mean does it get any cuter than this!?!

Jenny and Ben. We spent lots of time hanging out on the deck. Ryan made a yummy drink I had never tried before called a pimm's cup with fresh cucumbers.

Ben is showing Savannah his favorite toy of the day....his purple spoon.

Savannah taking a nap on Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jenny's bed...all cozy surrounded by pillows (including one she pulled on top of herself)

So happy in the morning in my make shift bed.

Ben taking after his Daddy...with his first BMW

Savannah with Lee and Gaye

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