Savannah 8 months

Savannah is a force to be reckoned with! She is seriously a machine now and is on the move all the time. She has changed dramatically since I wrote her 7 month post. All of a sudden within a two week period she started sitting up, crawling, pulling to kneeling, pulling to standing, and got her first tooth! It was such a fun couple of weeks watching her figure it all out. She totally skipped rolling to get to something- which I always think is so cute. She never even did a double roll- she just wanted to be crawling around like Skylar. Her main objective now is to stand up as much as possible. She doesn't even care if she has anything to play with at the top of whatever she just climbed- she just wants to stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up....and keep doing that over and over all day. She doesn't want to sit in the high chair and eat cause she is too busy exploring. She loves following Sky around and Skylar is really loving her these days. She has switched from calling her Bama to Bana and sometimes Vana, and is always asking about her if she is taking a nap and isn't in the room with us. Savannah just weighs about 15 1/2 pounds but she is really strong and determined. Another thing she likes to do is crawl in to the kitchen and push the kitchen chairs around by their legs. She is so fast too- if I drop one bit of food on her tray she has her hands in it before I can even think about wiping it. She has gotten really fast at crawling and has such a cute little "crawling baby doll" form. Here are some videos from the past few weeks before she completely perfected her form...

1 comment:

MJH said...

Awesome! Awesome videos! That smile will totally melt your heart! She is so precious. I cannot believe how quickly she's growing up! I love those girls.