Just Hanging Out

The girls have been having a fun summer so far. Skylar's therapy schedule has lightened up a bit the last few weeks while lots of her therapists are on vacation, so we have had more free time. We have been going to the pool whenever we can and enjoying lots of baby pool time at home. And when it is way too hot outside or when we are too lazy to lather everyone up with sunscreen :) we play inside and make a big mess with all the toys.

Skylar loves Brownie and Pearl books now

Amazed by Daddy's birthday present tower

Still her favorite hiding place....hiding with her Aquadoodle pen

Skylar's favorite thing is still anything Doodling..Magnadoodle, Aquadoodle, and coloring..
Being sweet and sharing the Aquadoodle mat. Sometimes Savannah just comes and stands where Skylar is trying to color.

Happy Birthday Daddy! Helping Daddy open presents.

Warming up on the couch after a swim in the not fully warm yet baby pool.
Savannah loving her Snap N Style doll

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