
After Skylar started school, Savannah had three weeks left before she started preschool. She got to go to camp at the Children's Museum one week, and then we spent the next two weeks filled with as many fun things and as much outside time as we could possibly squeeze in! I was getting sentimental about it being the last long period of time that Savannah will ever have at home without Skylar before she starts Kindergarten next year. They will both be in and out of school at the same times starting next year! I tried to maximize our time together and make it special for her during her last couple weeks of being able to be an "old child" during school hours ;)
Sky in her super cute outfit from Mimi!...

After church pics...

Playing at the park...

Sky lost her first tooth!
Skylar is excited about going to Beau's birthday party in September! She loved looking at his invitation and smiling at his little happy face...
Playing outside after school...
Savannah loved our day at Lichterman Nature Center! It was a gorgeous day for August, and we got to do some hiking on the trails, feed the fish and turtles, and explore the nature center...

Feeding frenzy!...

Turtles eating their salad for lunch...
We checked out some binoculars at the nature center, and Savannah loved using them and findings butterflies and birds..

Home and still playing outside because Mommy refuses to go inside ;)...
Savannah still has tons of energy after a day of hiking!...

Another pretty day at the park...
Sweaty, no hair brushed, Saturday while Daddy is at work! 
Ready for church...

Fun at Shelby Farms! We had the place almost to ourselves...

Savannah showing off her lovely rainbow tattoo that she wanted to put in the middle of her shin...

These smiles keep me going everyday...

School for Sky ;(, Collierville Splash Park for Savannah...

Trying to stay cool in the shade of our one precious tree that I love! ...

After church...

Savannah's last day before preschool starts! We went to the Children's Museum splash park...
She started Fall soccer on the same day... first day of practice with Coach Matt and all the boys...
First day of Pre-K 4 yr old class...

Both headed to school!...

We ended August with a spur of the moment Anniversary dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the UT game. ;) 12 years! Thanks Gigi and Granddude for babysitting! 

1 comment:

MJH said...

Love Savannah at the splash park! And love Sky chilling in bathing suit on the couch outside. These are adorable. Makes me excited for summer! Those bright tutu outfits!!:)