Time is flying by...

Last week flew by for us. I can't believe Savannah is already two months old. She has been sleeping from 10/11 to 4/5 in the morning for about a week which is wonderful! Because she is still so tiny I know it will be longer maybe than most babies before she sleeps 8-8. We will take whatever we can get:) Most days are so busy the only time I sit down is to feed the girls or after Sky goes to bed when I absolutely crash for the day.
Here is a picture of some real multitasking. It was time for Skylar's breakfast and I knew Savannah wouldn't be happy in her bouncy seat without someone talking to her and I knew her crying would distract Skylar from eating. So, I decided to put the changing pad on the table so I could talk to Savannah while I fed Skylar and attempted to drink my coffee and eat my own breakfast (otherwise I would never get to). Then, I decided it was the perfect opportunity for Savannah to have tummy time since I was right there supervising and so I wouldn't have to play defense from Skylar if she were on the floor- so I flipped her over. I got up from the table to get something and turned around and just busted out laughing at this hilarious scene in front of me. Just a day in the life...

Sky enjoying her new car from Mimi.

Savannah asleep in the bouncy seat- a rare occasion these days.

We got some pictures of the girls in their Pjs the other night. We put Savannah in Skylar's lap and she was so excited. She got this huge grin on her face and then she just kept looking at her in amazement that she was actually getting to hold her. Savannah actually smiled a few times too-it was so cute.

I think this picture is so funny cause it looks like Skylar is about to do some serious damage to Savannah, but she is really very gentle and sweet with her. It must be the mischievous look on her face.

In comes a hand to save the day...

Savannah smiling at her big sis.


DianneM said...

Skylar looks so sweet holding Savannah. I love the multitasking picture. I wonder when I will ever be able to drink HOT coffee or HOT tea again:)

MJH said...

Wow! You are SUPERMOM!! Awesome pics. I love the girls smiles with each other! Absolutely precious.