Knoxville Birthday Visit

Our niece Caroline turned two last week and it was also Mimi's birthday so we decided to pack up the girls and head to Knoxville. I was prepared for the worst traveling with a 2 month and a 20 month old, but they did great. Savannah was amazing! Besides not wanting to eat when we stopped to feed her she was an angel and literally barely made a peep the entire trip. Skylar was great too although had her moments of whining and fighting sleep. We took bets on the way how long she would sleep and I said 20 minutes and Ty said 25. Sure enough...22 minutes and then she was good to go on our 10 hour excursion. She didn't sleep at all on the way home and it was the first day in her life that she didn't at least get a 15 minute catnap. She was so sleepy and delirious when we got home!
The main event was Caroline's Pinkilicious birthday party that was so cute! Minde and James throw the best parties and Minde is so good at all the cute decorations and details. I have to just brag on Caroline for a minute because she is so cute and sweet and is so stinkin smart! She just turned two and is potty trained, speaking in full complete sentences, using words like elegant and beautiful, singing all the words to songs, and is a puzzle master. She is the life of the party and loves to ask everyone how they are doing. We had a blast at her party and enjoyed getting to see everyone. Skylar, unfortunately, came down with something and had a fever of 102 the night before the party so she couldn't go. Tyler and I took turns staying at home with her. It was such a bummer because I know she would have loved seeing all the other kiddos.

Savannah flashing a grin

New Purplicious book


Birthday Girl

Uncle James and the girls

Sky and Aunt Minde

CJ and Mimi

Check out the spread! Everything was pink for shrimp, pink chicken salad, pink turkey wraps, and cute shaped PB & J and cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches for the kids

James, CJ, Minde

Jack, Mins, Ty

Lori and I

Lori and Jack

Savannah and Rod

Sandy, Rod, Savannah

Minde and Mimi

Sky on the move...

Aunt Minde and baby Savannah

Such a wonderful weekend! We just wished we lived closer so we could do it more often.

1 comment:

MJH said...

Hey Becca,
Thank you very much for the awesome pics. Mostly thanks for all of your sweet words! Caroline is very blessed to have you and Ty for an Aunt and Uncle and she loves Sky and Savannah so much!
Glad-and impressed- you all made the trip. So happy that Skylar is feeling great and back to her adorable self. Miss you guys!