Savannah 4 months old

Savannah is 4 months old today! She weighs 11 lbs 11 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. Still a tiny little thing! She sleeps a 9 hour stretch at night and is a pretty good napper during the day. She can roll from her tummy to her back and likes to lift her head up and talk to herself in the mirror. She loves to watch her sister crawl around and be noisy and smiles at her a lot. Eating is still not her favorite activity, but we are starting to get things figured out.
What a beautiful smiley baby!


PCR ii said...

She is so cute! I am so happy for you that she is a great sleeper. I need all of your tips-ready to give a sleep class? The pics of her with Skylar playing on the floor are so fun!

The Richardsons said...

Seriously?! 9 HOURS???? WHAT? I'm totally impressed :) There's no way she 4 months old already. Oh my gosh, we have to come and see you before she's driving. I miss you guys so much- gotta see my girls!