Just one of those days...

I decided that today needed to go down in the books so that (hopefully) one day in the future I can look back at this time in our life and laugh and (again, hopefully) enjoy how much easier everything is.
I left the house this morning at 7:20 with Skylar and headed downtown for therapy. I was dreading waking her up to leave, but sure enough- she was up at 6:50 with no wake up call. Savannah got to stay home with our babysitter Fegan - who, thank goodness is off for the summer and wants to babysit as much as possible. So she was booked for the morning at our house.
I got a call last night after hours from our pediatricians lab saying that the culture they did on Skylar did come back funky which is why she has had a green snotty nose for almost a month now. We get out of therapy and I call the pediatrician to give them our pharmacy number so they can call in her third antibiotic. Then, I call Fegan and check on them and she says Savannah is being really fussy. I run another errand and get home to a still very fussy baby, which is not like Savannah at all. She was so sad and acting dizzy when I picked her up or put her down. I figured since I already had Fegan I would take her to the doctor. She got progressively worse and ended up crying the entire almost 30 minute wait. I got some kindof annoyed looks and one "I remember those days..." comments. Sure enough, Savannah has a raging ear infection and we get another antibiotic. I go pick up both the girls drugs and then head home. As I'm walking to the stairs to head up and put Savannah down for a nap she spits up on the hardwood. I clean it up with a Clorox wipe which I then think about being not such a great idea. I get 30 minutes of peace and quiet to each lunch and relax and then Skylar wakes up from her nap after a little over an hour.
The rest of the afternoon passes fairly uneventful. We just played on the floor, read books, cruised the couches....the usual stuff. I put Savannah down for her late afternoon catnap (usually 20 minutes or so- just to hold her till bedtime) and get Skylar's dinner ready. I get a text from Tyler saying he is going to be super late tonight because they are running behind on a visit. He was out of town last night too- so I'm already whining in my head about having to do bedtime by myself again.
Skylar had barely started eating when she choked on a piece of peanut butter sandwich that she had not chewed up well and after she gagged for a minute she threw up everywhere. She actually stayed pretty clean because it went all over her bib, highchair, my chair, and floor. I take her bib off and pick her up to get her cleaned up and then she throws up again. I just sit us down on the floor so she can finish. I immediately think- thank goodness Savannah is asleep and that this was the tile and not carpet. I wipe her face and then she gags again and huge green snot comes out of her nose too. Of course I am barefoot and totally stepping in everything and then track it all the way upstairs to the bathroom where I get her right in the tub. After her bath I just go ahead and put pajamas on her and then put her in her crib with some toys so I can go face the kitchen. Yuck! After everything is fairly cleaned up we go for dinner- take two. Savannah has been asleep for an hour now but I'm not really worried if it makes her stay up too late tonight because I'm just so glad she wasn't thrown into that mix. After I get her up I put on a Wonder Pets movie for the girls so I can steam mop the kitchen. I finish doing that and go in to the den to find Savannah leaning over the side of her Bumbo seat with spit up running down it and pooling on to the carpet. Seriously!? I clean that up and then I run upstairs to clean the bathtub and throw Skylar's icky clothes, towel, and bathmat in the wash. Back down to get both of them and then back up to give Savannah her bath. Finally, everyone is clean and fed and ready for bed!
Just another day in the life:)
It's a good thing they are two of the sweetest girls ever- it makes all of this craziness a whole lot easier!


Lara said...

aww sweetheart! i know what you mean. why does it feel like sometimes that we can't come up for air? when it hits, it hits hard!

props to your steam mopping and bathtub cleaning. I'm not so sure I would have had the energy.

oh and why is savannah reading a book about a new baby? is there something you need to tell us?

DianneM said...

I can't believe I just laughed at the post. I feel guilty that I laughed but I was thinking the whole time how much that sucked and that if I didn't laugh for you I might have cried. I am glad you wrote that. I haven't had one of those days in a while and boy am I thankful! Love ya girl. Sounds like we need a girls beach trip stat.

PCR ii said...

oh man! girl-you've earned something great for that like some mani/pedi time? Those smiles are so cute at the end though! Hang in there.. I am impressed with the cleaning too-I'm sure not doing much of that these days. Hope your weekend was good!