Savannah 7 months old

Savannah is 7 months old now and is trying to get in to everything. She is such a little busy body and never stops moving. She still has no interest in sitting up and arches her back stiff as a board when we try and make her sit down. She loves to be on her knees and scoot across the floor- usually to get whatever Skylar has. She is usually really happy and just smiles a huge smile whenever anyone looks at her or talks to her. She does throw a little fit when you put her down or leave the room though. She wants all the attention all the time:) She is getting much better eating solids and gets aggressive with the spoon when she is really hungry. She sleeps great at night and takes two naps a day with a little cat nap usually in the late afternoon. She is still little but is getting much taller.
She was trying to crawl for a toy the other day and Skylar saw her and crawled over to it and brought it to her. It was so sweet to see her take care of her little sister like that.

1 comment:

PCR ii said... cute! I can't belive it is 7 months.