Busy March

We had a really busy month with therapy and visitors, but we tried to enjoy the beautiful weather too as much as we could with lots of fun trips to the park.
Skylar participated in another three week long intensive physical therapy session. She was such a trooper and worked really hard! Her walking is looking SO much better now and she is taking a lot more independent steps.

Getting ready for her obstacle course

We had visits from both Gigi and Mimi while they were on Spring Break from school and the girls loved getting to see them. Savannah didn't know what to do with herself after two full weeks of non-stop attention from grandmothers.

Buzz Lightyear in the kitchen
We loved our warm weather! I wish it would stay like this all summer!

Playing with our buddies at the park

Skylar still needs lots of motivation to get her walking, but she loves to walk to everyone. You just say "walk to Daddy" ...or whoever... and she gets excited. She starts walking to you and gets a huge smile on her face that makes you feel like the most important person in the world for a second.
Here she is happy to be walking to Fegan!
Love this proud little face!

1 comment:

PCR ii said...

Loved those sweet pics. Thanks!