Special Olympics Little Feet Meet

Skylar got to participate in the Special Olympics Little Feet meet this year. It was such a fun and special event and she had a blast! There were over 400 little athletes participating in different events.

Here she is listening intently to the Opening Ceremonies and the Star Spangled Banner. I loved the quote that was read during the opening ceremonies- "There are not people with disabilities...only people with different abilities. There are not people with weaknesses....only people with different strengths." One of the goals of Special Olympics is for athletes and individuals of all abilities to be included and be embraced regardless of their differences. The Meet was held at a large high school and there were tons of high school students volunteering- and it was so cool to see all of them supporting the athletes and making sure everyone was included. So important for them to be exposed to all different types of people!
This is Abby, Skylar's Special Buddy in 4th grade that got to help her with all her events. She was so sweet- she is what you want your 10 year old daughter to be like!

Skylar bowling...
Obstacle course...

Weight lifting! She was so good she thought she would just do it one handed :) She also got to do events in soccer, baseball, and hockey.
Getting her blue ribbon on the medal stand...

Sky with her little buddy Ayden who lives down the street from us...
What a fun day!


Lara said...

PRECIOUS!!!! I LOVE her piggy tails! Please keep those pigtails coming. What a special day for you guys!

amanda said...

Such a neat event! Skylar looks like she had a blast!