Day 4 Night in the Village

After a long day at Magic Kingdom, it was great to spend a night at "home" enjoying the Village. We went to La-Ti Da Royal Spa, the super cute Village Salon (again, all run by volunteers!). Both of the girls got their nails painted for the first time! Skylar chose a green sparkly nail polish, and made it through one hand before she was ready to get up and keep exploring. Savannah chose purple for one hand and blue for the other, and was all about it! She was moving her tiny little fingers around looking at how shiny they were. She still has a couple remnant flecks of polish on a few of her fingers.

Skylar's turn...
Savannah's turn... she knows what to do!
Pretty blue sparkly polish!

Admiring her beautiful nails :)..
Savannah also got an airbrush tatoo. This thing was the real deal! I had no idea how semi- permanent her hot pink mermaid tatoo would be lol. I'm glad it was on her leg! Of course she was thrilled with it and thought she was so cool. 

Walking home. Every time we passed this bench, Savannah had to jump on it and strike a pose. 

We got back to our Villa and called the "cookie cart"! They have a golf cart that comes around the Village with chocolate chip cookies every night. And they were good and messy...

The girls called it a night early since they had skipped their naps. They were so tired, but they really did great all day all things considered.  
Thanks Mimi for the Rapunzel and Cinderella PJs! 

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