November Catch Up

November flew by! We had a fun visit from KT, Ty ran his first half marathon, and Savannah turned 3 years old!
KT and I had such a fun weekend! We did lots of eating, shopping, laughing, and hanging out. I loved getting to enjoy some yummy grown up restaurants and some much needed adult girl time. I get plenty of (little) girl time all the time! 

We love KT!
The same weekend we got to go to a super cute John Deere themed birthday party. They had a John Deere pulled hayride through the neighborhood. 

Mini tractor..

Ready for the hayride! Love Savannah staring down the little boy next to her...
This is how Tyler and I spend a birthday party..or actually most any outing...always tasking or making sure we aren't making a mess or breaking anything:). I don't want to wish any time away, but it will be great one day when we can go to a party and turn the girls loose for a little while. 
Green frosting face! 
Ty did awesome in his first half marathon! It was only his second road race even. 

Running through the park...
Crossing the finish line! He acted like it was no big deal and said he could have kept going. He was hurting later that week, but he breezed through race day! 
Post race stretches..
Ty and his friend Buba at the after race party. Great job Ty!
Savannah getting ready for picture day at school! 

Savannah got to celebrate her birthday early at preschool since we were in TN on her actual birthday. Her Princess birthday cookies...

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