Birthday Girl

Skylar is two years old! She weighs 22 lbs 7 oz and is 34 inches tall. She is a very happy little girl and smiles a lot. Her favorite toys are books, trucks, babies, and Daddy's electronics. She loves music and being outside swinging in her swing. She tries to repeat a lot of what we say and she has a really sweet little talking voice.
She had a super busy and fun birthday week. We celebrated for a few days so Gigi could be include when she got in to town. On Skylar's birthday we took her to the zoo for the first time. The Richmond Zoo doesn't have anything too exciting, but we all had a good time anyway. She loved seeing the tiger and riding the carousel.

We picked the hottest day of the year so far to go...they were a little sunscreen sweaty mess by the end of the day.


Savannah under her big hat

Skylar loves to put her feet up on everything! If anything is within reaching distance- she has her feet on it at all times.

Feeding the giraffes

Riding the carousel with Daddy

Savannah asleep on the way home

Sky opening a few presents that night. She was a mess after a long day!

Finally able to wear a little sprig of a pony tail:)

Lots of fun new toys and pretty clothes!

Squishy cupcake! As you can see from the next picture...she would much rather be playing with it than eating it!

We love you! Happy Birthday Skylar!


amanda said...

So sweet! Happy Birthday Skylar!

MJH said...

Skylar, you are such a doll!! We love you! I love all of the birthday outfits!

Lauren Foster said...

Happy Birthday Skylar!!! It looks like she had a great day! Great job Becca & Ty.