Savannah 6 months old

Savannah is 6 months old now! She weighs 13 lbs 12 oz and is 25 in tall. She has tons of personality and is constantly making me laugh with her funny faces and sounds...which are SO LOUD! The girl has got some lungs! Usually it is happy squealing sounds, but she also got her first ear infection this week and has done lots of screaming and crying in her loud voice too. I had no idea what was wrong with her and she just kept crying and acting very unlike herself. Glad we finally figured it out. Skylar has a sinus infection too this week...all after both of their well baby visits to the doctor last week where they were both completely healthy and fine. On antibiotics now so hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon.
Savannah still loves watching her sister and looks longingly at her playing with her trucks. I think that will be the first thing she goes for when she gets moving. She is not sitting up yet and barely wants to bend her body to sit down. She just likes to stand and is a strong archer just like Skylar was. She doesn't love getting dressed and squirms and fights the whole time. Somehow she manages to kick open the snaps on her sleeper. I have gotten her up from her nap many times and her little legs are kicking around out of her sleeper. No idea how she does that- it's like 6 snaps.
She is eating solids a little better, but it takes her a while to get warmed up each feeding. She spits the first few minutes worth of food out and then decides to eat the rest. She also just wants to stare at Skylar in her high chair so I either have to sit in the middle of them with them facing each other (which is challenging) or sit them beside/diagonal from each other and come in sideways to feed Savannah.
She is surprising me with how big she is getting. I had some 6 and 9 month clothes in the back of the closet that I found the other day. They used to look so huge I thought it would be so long until she wore them and they are fitting!
I hope she feels better soon- I miss our happy smiley little girl.

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