Savannah 10 months old

Savannah continues to be a ham and love lots of attention. She likes to look around the room and make sure everyone is looking at her and will then bust out with a little laugh like- I know...I'm so cute. She is still cruising around and pulling up on everything. Her favorite climbing spot now is to play under the high chairs and stand up and walk around them. She is making a few more noises now, but still mostly squeals or whining. She has learned to wave bye-bye and has a really sweet wave. She still loves her big sister and wants to be doing whatever she is doing.

Savannah still only has two teeth! Here is a picture of Skylar at 10 months. She had 5 teeth and two popping through on the bottom. Savannah hates it when she sees me give Skylar something that she can't have, but I'm scared to give her too much table food with only two teeth to chew with. She loves puffs and yogurt melts and I am sure will be very happy when she can eat some real food.

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