Savannah 11 months

Two days shy of 11 months Savannah took her first steps! She has only done it a couple times since then and really prefers to speed crawl everywhere. She has started saying a few things and can say mama, dada, bye-bye, and night-night.
She got two top teeth this month too! Finally! One front tooth and then a space and then another tooth. So she has a really cute little jackolantern smile right now. She has started eating Cheerios now since she has more teeth and already signs "more" as soon as she puts one in her mouth.
She is still the loudest baby I have ever heard and is always squealing. It wasn't really ever "cute" per say, but in the beginning it was kindof funny. Well... it's not so funny anymore and I'll be glad when there are some more words to go along with those excited emotions instead of just ear piercing noise:)
She has learned to open the cabinets and loves to just stand at the cabinet doors and play with the knobs. She loves to walk around holding on to your fingers and find things to step on. She really loves walking outside and getting to step on leaves. She also loves to play peek-a-boo and will crawl around the other side of the couch and pop out and laugh when you say peek-a-boo.
She is non stop all day long but has been taking good naps lately cause she is so worn out from playing so hard. She has maybe a 30 second transition from dead asleep to wide awake and ready to go. She would climb up the stairs for hours if we would let her. Nothing is too heavy for her to attempt to pick up and she has no idea she is a tiny little 17 pounder that can't pick up or climb up everything.
She still hates being changed and keeps her legs stiff as a board when you try and get her dressed or undressed.
She is a sweet girl with a little bit of a devilish side...

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