Skylar's Intensive Therapy

Here are a few pictures from Skylar's intensive therapy session. It was such hard work and she was pretty much sick the whole time, but she did a great job all things considering. She got lots of practice walking in her walker and lots of balance and strength training. It was a big time/effort commitment and we had lots of great family come and help out- thanks everybody!
Here is Skylar walking in her walker on the treadmill with her Therasuit compression suit on. Fancy stuff!

This was a really cool bike she got to warm up on every morning. It has rear steering and is tall enough to not break your back pushing it. Her feet strapped in to the pedals, so she got some "free laps" and then she had to actually push down and do the work to make it go.

She didn't always love being there, but she loved all her therapists. They were so fun and energetic and were always trying to distract and entertain her into having a good time and not thinking about the hard task she didn't want to do. Skylar's favorite distraction was her therapist Kristen singing two new verses of the Itsy Bitsy Spider that we didn't know before. Skylar loves singing!
Of course Savannah wants to be just like her sister and loves to play in/on/under both of her walkers....

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