Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Memorial Day in Knoxville with Tyler's family. It was such a great weekend! Lots of playing, swimming, and eating. The girls absolutely love every second of every day there.
They love seeing everyone and playing with their cousins and all of their toys! :)
Morning pj time in the playroom...
Double guitars and the xylophone going...
LOTS of outside playtime!...

Rod pulling candy out of the girls ears :) Of course Miss literal Savannah said- "but I don't feel anything in my ears." 

Cute boy!

Fun visit from Grandpa...

These girls wore each other out! Nonstop all day. 

We went over to Uncle Jack and Aunt Lori's house for S'mores! All the girls love playing and exploring in the backyard. Sky loved her s'more and ate the whole thing. Savannah did not like being sticky and only ate one bite. She liked roasting marshmallows though!

Sleepin so good...
Headed home :( 
Skylar started getting a runny nose towards the end of our trip, and we had to turn around and wipe her nose the whole way home! I realized at one point that my passenger side view had been of Tyler's backside for almost two hours straight haha. Gotta love road trips with kids!
At least it's only 7-8 hours and they really do pretty good most of the time. 
This is a sign of a great weekend! TIRED worn out girls on the way home...

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