Skylar Kate Meece

I havent updated our blog in a while so I will give a quick rundown of everything that has been going on and then try and update more often in the future.
Skylar Kate arrived on May 6 at 12:42 pm. She weighed 7.4 and was 18in. long. The whole process was amazing and went very smoothly. She is 5 1/2 weeks old now and it has been a crazy time. We are still trying to figure everything out between colic, reflux, and formula...but I think things are looking up. We appreciate all of the help we got and couldn't have done it without everyone. Skylar is getting more alert everyday and really looks around at everything and studies our faces. She loves bathtime and to be outside (although now it is getting so hot!). She doesn't like waking up and is usually pretty grumpy about it. She rolled over from her tummy to her back the other day. She is really strong and gets the death grip on my hair or my shirt when I am holding her. We are still not sure who she looks like- where did she get those dark eyes and hair?!
We love her so much and can't imagine life without her. Even though we could do with a little more sleep and a little less crying- I don't want her to grow up too fast- I love this newborn stage!

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