Field Trip to the Zoo

We got to join Skylar's class on a field trip to the zoo. It was a beautiful hot day and there were kids everywhere! For some reason as soon as we started walking around to see the animals, Skylar started crying and going bananas. She got so upset she was clinging to me and climbing up my shoulder. Everyone tried to distract her and make her happy again and she would scream even louder every time someone mentioned going to see a different animal. She was THAT kid at the zoo that is screaming and no one knows why. I have no idea why she was so traumatized this year, but it was very unlike her. She rarely cries about anything, so it was really sad to see her so upset. After a few tries for visiting more animals, we gave up and Skylar and I headed to the picnic area while Savannah and Daddy saw the rest of the zoo. She perked right up as soon as we got away from the animals and as soon as I mentioned lunch. She ended up having a great time at lunch and riding the couple little rides they have, so hopefully she is not fully traumatized by her zoo experience. Savannah on the other hand, had an absolute blast and would have jumped into the cages with the animals if she could.
Savannah and the Bengal Tiger. 
(she looks like such a big kid!) 

Savannah with an ostrich on her head
Mama and baby kangaroo

Savannah got to feed and hold a Parakeet! Tyler was holding the stick first and trying to help her. Then the bird landed on it and he said- ok, now you hold, of course she grabbed the bird and not the stick. :) The bird was fine and ended up staying and eating the birdseed and letting her hold him. 

Lunch and carousel time!

The zoo had this fun little Jeep the kids could sit in. Skylar was very interested in the monkey sitting by her. She was so sweet checking him out and giving him a pat. 

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