Skylar's Birthday!

Skylar turned 4 years old! She had a great birthday and loved opening all of her presents. Mimi and Gigi both came in to town to visit and celebrate her birthday. Savannah was all about the birthday and was singing Happy Birthday to "Kylor" for days. (she has moved on from "KaKa" to "Kylor"...I will probably be sad when she actually gets it right)
Playing with new toys....

Gigi's bed was a mattress on the floor in the living room...Lots of fun to jump and play on!

Presents Round 2...
Jake and Cubby from the Neverland Pirates...

Flynn Rider hugging Captain Hook...
Savannah looking through "Kylor's Nocurs" 

These little girls don't want to be in any more pictures!
We got to take cupcakes to Skylar's school on Monday after her birthday...

Birthday girl! 

The Meece girls get good and messy with their cupcakes!

Skylar walking in the hall at school with Gigi and Mrs. Jenny... 

I love this picture! Something about it makes me so sentimental and I feel like it represents perfectly how far she has come in four years. We had no idea what she would have accomplished, and now she is walking down the hall at school. She has a long way to go, but she has also come so far. 
I can honestly say that not a day goes by that I don't think about everything she can do and how grateful I am for each new things she learns. I don't take any of it for granted, and I hope that never changes. 
Happy Birthday to Skylar!


PCR ii said...

Happy Birthday Skylar! Those are sweet pics. Love her Bday outfits too!

MJH said...

Skylar is so beautiful!! Mostly love the cupcakes at school pics and WALKING pics! Love Her!!